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Peace begins with you

Peace is the responsibility of each person, the result of choices and relationships with other consciousnesses and with oneself. Are you able to identify your own “war arsenal”? What are your thoughts, motivations, energy, language and behaviors that attack or distance consciousnesses from you, generating disaffection, fights, rivalry, ruptures and violence?

From the pacification of each person, peace becomes a long-term effect. Naturally, with greater lucidity, consciousness realizes that there is no point in being at peace alone. Your solitary condition will be an illusory peace. Real peace will be the peace of all.

Overcoming Bellicism

The human experience on the planet is full of situations and conditioning related to violence. There are countries, societies, groups and people who define themselves, including, from the perspective of bellicism. They cultivate and sustain violent values and attitudes in their various individual and collective expressions.

Overcoming this repetitive and self-destructive situation requires a lucid and continued effort. The human experience can choose other more consistent, cooperative, healthy and libertarian journeys. It will be another way of life and coexistence, even if there are disagreements, divergences, difficulties and limitations.

New evolutionary states

Peace is much greater than simply the absence of conflicts and struggle. Under original approaches that consider the plural and multidimensional existence of consciousnesses, peace transcends physical structures, organizations, states and agreements applied in human societies.

Innovative opportunities are to be built, such as those that seek to understand and implement new conditions of peace that have no relation to violence or its denial, that are healthy from a social, collective and individual perspective and that promote cooperation and agreement.


An original event, it stimulates and promotes the generation of knowledge, studies and the culture of peace through new approaches and tools of Peaceology. It brings together volunteers, researchers and instructors linked to conscientiological sciences and those interested in learning about and delving deeper into the theme of peace from innovative perspectives. Event without prerequisites and open to all. Peaceology is the science applied to specific, systematic, technical and theoretical studies of peace, through the consciential paradigm, encompassing all manifestations of consciousness in multiple bodies, existences, dimensions and respective evolutionary consequences.


A series of free activities precede the 1st International Congress of Peaceology (I CIPAC), to be held in November of this year. Researchers and instructors discuss different opportunities to study, understand and practice peace from the original perspective of Peaceology.

08/16 – OPEN BOOK Interview: Reports from the Pacificarium

Participation: Antônio Aranha, Felix Wong, Sherida Wong
Mediation: Ana Ceres and Paulo Souza

08/25 – TALKSHOW:
How to Recognize and Overcome Bellicism in Us

Participation: Cristina Arakaki, Djalma Fonseca, Ivo Valente
Mediation: Adriana Polmann

10/13 – TALKSHOW - The Challenges of Living in Peace Today

Participation: Málu Balona, Marcelo Pires, Marco Almeida

Mediation: Cleverson Rachadel

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