Peaceology is the science applied to the specific, systematic, technical and theatical studies of peace, through the consciential paradigm, encompassing all the manifestations of consciousness in multiple bodies, existences, dimensions and their evolutionary consequences.
You are invited to take part in the 1st International Congress of Peaceology, an event designed to promote and disseminate neoideas and cutting-edge relative truths related to the subject, in order to guide, consolidate, disseminate and expand this area.
- To broaden the vision of the study of Peace Science;
- To stimulate the engaging in the role of peace agent within the group maxiproexis;
- To promote the integration and updating of researchers in the development of Peaceology and its specialties;
- To share tools applied to the study of Peaceology;
- To disseminate Peaceology research to the scientific community and the general public;
- Draw parallels between Peaceology, personal proexis and group maxiproexis;
- Debate about the peace agent in favor of interassistantial transformation in times of reurbex.
The researcher must submit a paper, based on their experimentation, on the thematic lines listed below, but not limited to them:
- Peaceology and conscientiological self-leadership.
- Peaceology and existential recycling.
- Peaceology, proexis and maxiproexis.
- Peaceology applied to pre-intermissiology.
- Peaceology and reurbex.
- Peaceology and education for Peace.
- Correlation between Peaceology and Projectiology.
- Peace studies correlated to the Consciential Paradigm.
- Evolutionary tools for self-peace.
- Peacemaking personalities (biographical studies).
Style, Size and Structure
Send the article formatted in letter size, Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 line spacing, justified, margins 2.5 (top and bottom) / 3.0 (right and left), in a Word or similar text editor. The article must contain a maximum of 4,000 words and must be presented in the following sequence:
- Title, name of author (s).
- Resumo / Resumen / Abstract (in Portuguese, Spanish and English), of up to 200 words, containing: introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions.
- Keywords: a list of 3 to 6 keywords (in alphabetical order) for indexing.
- Introduction: presenting the context of the research, the objectives of the work, the methodology used and the organization structure of the sections in the text.
- Development of the topic: subdivided into numbered sections containing discussion, methods, techniques, results and arguments.
- Conclusion or Final Considerations: summarizing the objective stated in the introduction.
- Bibliography: presented in accordance with ABNT standards (see items 3, 4 and 5 of References below).
- Mini-résumé of the author(s), including: education; professional activity; CI and time spent volunteering; e-mail address; telephone number.
- Texts should give credit to the author(s) from whom the excerpt was taken or to the researcher(s) from whom the idea was inspired.
- References in the body of the text should be in the style: “Author (date; page)” or “(AUTHOR, date; page)”.
- The bibliography should be compiled in alphabetical order, with increasing numbering, in accordance with ABNT standards.
- All references that appear in the body of the text must be included in the bibliography, in a section called REFERENCES.
- Other works used in the preparation of the text should be included in a section called BIBLIOGRAPHY CONSULTED.
Papers should be sent to:
Submission of works: until 18/02/2024.
Announcement of approved works: 24/03/2024.
Approved papers will be assigned copyright, corresponding to the publication of the event’s proceedings in the Homo projector magazine, by IIPC Headquarters, upon delivery of a signed and notarized document.
The papers will be evaluated using a double-blind system by a technical team of reviewers with knowledge of the event’s thematic areas, to be appointed by the congress coordinators, taking into account the criteria of scientificity, originality, technicality, conscientiousness and relevance to the contribution to the advancement of Conscientiology in relation to Peaceology.
Note of clarification:
As the call for papers indicates, the article must contain a maximum of 4,000 words. This limit includes the entire text, except for
- abstracts in Spanish/English
- keywords in Spanish/English
- bibliography; and
- mini-curriculum(s).